Over three times compensation for motorcycle accident in Aberdeen

Cars on a motorway in rain

Peter was injured in a motorcycle accident on the A92 when another car knocked him off his bike as he was attempting to overtake the vehicle.

Peter suffered from various injuries including a fractured ankle, wrist, right shoulder and L1 vertebrae.

Impact of motorcycle accident injuries

Peter is a joiner by trade and lost income as a result of the accident as he had to take several months off work for his injuries.

Although he made a good recovery, his injuries have restricted the amount and type of work he can do now.

“The injuries from the accident mean I can no longer do certain aspects of my job such as roofs and houses anymore, that’s went by the wayside.

“I’m trying to build my own garage at the moment and I’m having to use my left hand – even though I’m right handed – as the shoulder on that side is too sore.

“I also have on-going issues with my ankle and suffer from cramp in my fingers now.”

Pursue compensation for motorcycle accident

“I was told by friends and people that I should get compensation for what happened, the driver shouldn’t just get away with it.

“The driver at the time had even put his hands up and said it was his fault.”

Over 3 times more compensation for motorcycle accident

After Peter came to Digby Brown, his case was passed to personal injury solicitors that specialise in motorcycle law. 

The other side valued the claim for compensation at £17,950. However, our solicitors successfully proved, through evidence from forensic accountants and medical experts, that the injuries from the accident had a negative impact on his salary.

The case settled out of court for £55,000 - over 3 times the defender's valuation.

“I am amazed at the amount of compensation to be honest. It came in handy as I was off work for months and being self-employed meant I didn’t get any money. I had to take out loans from family and friends to pay the bills during that time. The compensation has meant that I’ve paid that all back.”

Contact Digby Brown Solicitors

If you would like to discuss an accident you have been involved in, please get in touch with our legal team on 0333 200 5925 or complete a short online enquiry form.