“I wish I went to Digby Brown from the beginning”

Jacqui Mill’s shares her story about how her accident impacted on her life and why she regrets not contacting Digby Brown from the very beginning.
“If I had gone with Digby Brown in the beginning, I honestly believe I would have had a successful outcome a lot quicker.
“My arm was broken in two places and so I wasn’t able to work for around two and half months and I was in quite a lot of pain and struggling.
“I do have rheumatoid arthritis so I’m not able to use public transport and things like that so I really do need my car to get out, having that extra complication of a broken elbow it took longer to heal and also it meant I won’t have a full recovery.
“I’ve lost mobility I previously had and it's caused further complications with Osteoporosis as well and life’s already difficult with this condition and it does cause a lot of problems with my mobility but to lose, even its just a little bit of mobility, it’s still something I kind of relied on so that aspect has been really quite upsetting as well.“
After Ms Mills was injured in an accident, she contacted another Scottish law firm about making a personal injury claim.
“When it first happened, well it wasn’t my first thought I’m going to make a claim, it was a few days later, it was just with people saying to me that was an accident that happened and you should contact someone.
“With the original solicitor I found the process very lengthy and they weren’t communicating with me and letting me know how my case was getting on and I was constantly having to contact them. There just seemed to be no progress what so ever and it just felt like everything was about this is going to cost to do this and do that.”
This firm failed to progress the case after the insurer denied liability for the accident saying they weren’t to blame. Ms Mills’ previous solicitors were unwilling to go to Court for her.
“Obviously I had heard of Digby brown after that and I thought maybe I’ll see if they can progress my case.”
Elaine Smith, Associate at Digby Brown’s Glasgow office, has been specialising in personal injury law for over eight years and acted on Ms Mills behalf.
“Right away, I noticed a complete difference. I was getting communicated with, they were letting me know what was happening and everything was progressing so much quicker.
“I knew Elaine was confidently dealing with my case and it was just night and day to what I experienced previously. I wish I had went with them at the beginning.”
Digby Brown’s funding model allows our lawyers to pursue a case in court where appropriate. After reviewing the previous solicitors file, we were confident that we would be able to establish fault for the accident.
We advised the insurers of our involvement in the case and that we intended to raise a Court action to vindicate Ms Mills’ rights. With our reputation as specialist lawyers in personal injury, the threat of litigation was enough to have the insurer in this case change their position, admit fault and pay the compensation owed in full of £29,000.
“I was absolutely delighted with the outcome, it exceeded my expectations to be honest and I don’t think I would have got that if I had stuck with the original solicitors so it really did make a big difference. My case didn’t matter to them but it did to Digby Brown.
“My only regret is I wish I had gone to Digby Brown from the very beginning, it was a first class service and I honestly can’t thank them enough for what they’ve done for me.”
The case shows not only the benefit of having an experienced personal injury solicitor working on your behalf but also the benefit of having the protection offered by our funding company. With the experience of Digby Brown and the backing of Compensate Claims Funding Limited, Ms Mills was able to pursue her case at no risk to her despite her original solicitors closing her file.