Injured offshore worker awarded £32,500 after firm failed to help

Following an accident while working offshore, our client broke his hand. He went to his union for advice about making a work injury claim.
“My union recommended another law firm, but I didn’t feel that they were doing anything with my claim.”
When insurers denied liability the other law firm decided they were unable to take the personal injury case any further so he decided to get in touch with Digby Brown.
“Someone recommended Digby Brown and hats off to them, they did a wonderful job.
"They would update me when I needed to be and would explain anything I was unsure about, it was bang on. They helped me through everything and the service was 100% better.”
Changes made to make job safer
After the accident offshore, his employer changed procedures to prevent anyone else from getting hurt.
“It was avoidable what happened but the changes were a bit too late to help me.
"The new policies and procedures should have been there before.”
The injury was to his right hand which not only meant that he had to take time off work but it also made day to day tasks difficult.
“I was just recently married and we had a five month old baby at the time and I couldn’t help.
"I felt depressed and needed help with virtually everything from getting dressed to washing myself. I like to be out and doing things but I had to give up playing football and rugby.
“It took a year before I was even able to get back to work and we struggled financially when my wages stopped.
"It was a very stressful time and we worried that we could lose the house.”
Specialist solicitors raise court action
After his work refused to accept liability for the offshore accident, Simon Richards in our Edinburgh office raised the case in court.
“I wasn’t sure what would happen with the process and was sceptical and anxious.
"All I wanted was to recoup my loss of earnings and pension contributions.”
Before the case was heard in court, the insurers offered £32,500.
“When they told me the offer I was like ‘wow’ it was more than I thought it would be.
"I’m back above water now and still have my job which is great.
“Digby Brown were very professional and on the ball with everything.
"They showed empathy and were always courteous – I would recommend them to anyone.”