Children head to the Panto with the help of Digby Brown

People with arms linked

For the second year running, we have offered tickets to local charities to attend performances of “Aladdin Joins The Circus” held by Circus Starr in Glasgow, Dundee and Edinburgh.

Circus Starr are a touring circus group which organise relaxed performances for disadvantaged, disabled or vulnerable children. Through donations, they help thousands of children attend shows for free.

Aladdin At The Circus by Circus Starr


Finding Your Feet head to the Glasgow show

Glasgow’s local charity partner, Finding Your Feet, were the first to attend the performance on Sunday 22nd January at Glasgow’s’ Partick Burgh Hall.

Finding Your Feet Corrine Hutton at Panto

The Brae Riding for the Disabled at Dundee’s performance

They were followed by Dundee’s local charity partner, Brae Riding for the Disabled, who went along to Mondays performance at The Marryat Hall in Dundee.

Caudwell Children and The Yard Scotland attend the Edinburgh show

On Tuesday, children from both Caudwell Children and The Yard Scotland went along to the performance at the Meadowbank Sports centre in Edinburgh.

“Everyone had such a great afternoon.”

“Huge smiles and lots of fun all round.”

Kathleen McMonagle, Corporate Social Responsibility Manager at Digby Brown Solicitors said:

"It's a real privilege to be able to support the charities we work with and see the smiles on kids (and big kids) faces when they have fun at the Panto.

“Digby Brown is very proud to support the great work of Circus Starr, bringing inclusive panto to all."

Learn more about our work with Scottish charities or follow us on Twitter and Facebook to keep up to date.